Pregnancy During COVID - Reducing Stress
Stress and anxiety are common enough without a pandemic going on, but if you are pregnant during the pandemic stress and anxiety are a given, not to mention the concurrent pregnancy symptoms. There are so many unknowns, risks, worry-filled sleepless nights and few answers. One of the answers to your stress and anxiety is acupuncture.
Acupuncture is an effective and very safe method of reducing stress and anxiety during pregnancy. In Eastern Medicine stress is seen as stuck energy. This makes a situation where less Yin ( blood, hormones, fluids) and energy are flowing through the body. The constrictive nature of stress causes organ systems to be sluggish, resulting in fatigue and on occasion pain. In chronic cases this can create a depressed immune system. Anxiety is seen as excessive energy that is flaring upwards causing vivid dreams, agitation, irritability, racing thoughts, dizziness and sometimes vomiting and palpitations. The excessive stress and anxiety can be detrimental to the pregnancy and your optimum experience of such a special and sacred time of your life.
As well as reducing stress and anxiety acupuncture is beneficial to pregnancy. Acupuncture helps maintain the pregnancy discouraging miscarriage, acupuncture encourages adequate blood flow, reduces pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, nausea and back pain.
If you are not too enthusiastic about acupuncture needles we can also offer Reiki, Crystal therapy, an Eastern nutritional consult (via Zoom), Chinese Face Reading (via Zoom), an acupressure lesson over Zoom or remote Energy Healing all very safe modalities.
Come in for relaxation, for calm and for your baby.
Our offices adhere to Covid regulations for your and our employees safety. Masks are required of all patients and employees. See our website for the list of other precautions we are taking.
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