Healing with acupuncture-based energy work
R.e.M.I. energy work
A unique energy work system combining Reiki, energy work, medical intuition, acupuncture meridians, chakra therapy and Chinese diagnostic face reading.
Often used for those that are needle-shy, children, illnesses of unknown etiology aka "mystery illnesses", emotional or energy based disorders. R.E.M.I. energy work sessions are very relaxing, grounding and balancing. Learn More about this unique method and techniques employed read “The Five Aspects of R.E.M.I. Healing Technique”
The Remee Energy Medicine and Intuition system (R.E.M.I. system) is unique a 5 branched method of healing. The five branches consist of energy work, nature based remedies, meridian therapy, intuitive diagnostics and face reading. It is based in Chinese five elemental theory, Yin/Yang philosophy, energy medicine and nature-based medicine.
The nature based remedies include plant or herbal therapies, medicinal tea, aromatherapy and crystal therapy. The meridian therapy branch relates to the use of access points to the body’s healing abilities such as acupressure/acupuncture points. The energy work branch is a mixture of healing modalities such as Reiki and meditation used to gently alter or release stuck, old or negative energy. The intuitive diagnostic branch is used to identify imbalances in the physical, chakra and aura level. The last branch consists of facial reading which can reveal where important life patterns, traumas and blockages may be inhibiting wellness and balance.
R.E.M.I. is a system most often used for those that are seeking the next level of well-being that expands into the the spiritual and emotional realms. It is a very versatile modality applicable to those that are sensitive to traditional treatment methods, suffer from diseases of unknown etiology or “mystery illnesses" and can also be used on children or those that are averse to acupuncture needles. R.E.M.I. energy work sessions are very relaxing, grounding and balancing. Depending on the type of imbalance a person is seeking to remedy one may need multiple visits. Visits are typically 1 hour long. Contact us via phone, email or text to set up your treatment.
How to set up a REMI Healing session
After scheduling your REMI healing session via phone, text or email, I will call you at the time of your energy healing appointment. We will have a quick discussion about what you would like to focus on, answer questions you may have and go over what to expect from your reading. Make sure that you are in a location that is quiet. It is best to be in a place that you can lie down or sit comfortably undisturbed. Once we hang up, you will have time to relax while your practitioner starts the energy healing session remotely.
Do remote energy sessions work as well as in person?
Yes, and in most cases better than in person. Energy is not bound by time or space; therefore, no matter where you are in the world, or what time zone when you are in reciving energy healing works very well. I find that my readings are more accurate remotely, also the patient notices more activity since there are less distractions overall. Additionally, in the age of covid-19 remote sessions are safer and a more comfortable situation.
What does my practitioner do in a R.E.M.I. energy healing session?
In general in a remote R.E.M.I. energy healing session we work on balancing your energy on several levels. Your aura is cleansed of any low vibration energy, then the chakras are individually evaluated to determine what type of balancing they require to work more optimally. After the chakras are re-aligned and re-balanced energies that do not serve to benefit your healing are removed. Your practitioner then scans the physical level for any irregularities in the body which are addressed by adding or subtracting energy as appropriate. Your practitioner then re-grounds your energies and body when closing the remote portion of the session. Before the end of the hour your practitioner will call you to discuss any findings, messages or impressions they received that are pertinent to your healing.